
How to Succeed with B2B Marketing Emails


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First of all, if you don’t know what B2B means, it stands for Business to Business. B2B email marketing refers to the type of email marketing where you send your campaigns from your business to other businesses. Unlike B2C (Business to Customer/Consumer) where you send from your business to other customers or consumers. Pretty straightforward.

There are certain strategies to follow to succeed with this type of marketing. To make this easier for you, we have made a list so that you can succeed with your B2B email marketing.

Here to follow our tips:

  • Clean your lists

As in any type of email marketing, a tip to get you closer to success is to clean your email lists. No matter how big or long your list is, it won’t make any difference if it’s not made with good quality.

  • Separate your lists

We’ve told you before, to segment your lists. Sort them by the interest of your subscribers, and give them content they actually would like to read about. That way you’ll get better success.

  • Keep track

Always keep track of your campaign’s success. By always doing that, you’ll spot what’s faulting in your campaigns and what goes well. That way you’ll know what to have in mind for your next campaign. Knowledge is power, you know.

  • Personal emails

Make your emails personal. You can not only do this by using your recipient’s first name, which is a good start. But you go that extra step towards success, you should include other personal information, maybe refer to preferences or past orders. Make sure your emails sound human, and not like they were written by a robot.

  • Use great subject lines

You’ll need great subject lines. As mentioned and discussed in our previous blog post, subject lines play a huge role. Your subject line is what needs to stand out in your recipient’s inbox. It needs to be appealing to be opened. You can read more about it and get examples on our blogpost about it here.

  • Design your email

Next in order is your opened email. When it has been opened and chosen among all other emails, you want your recipients to keep reading it. The design of your emails also needs to be appealing. If you want to read more about this we have a post about it on our blog here.

  • Promote social media

Also mentioned in the blog post linked above is to promote your social media in your emails. By doing this you keep your conversations going and that will generate better success.

  • Permission

Getting permission to be in your recipient’s inbox is necessary. If you want a better outcome for your campaigns you need to make sure you’re welcome in the inboxes you show up in. Unwelcome emails often get deleted before being given a chance.

Bonus: 4 B2B email marketing statistics

  • Out of all top-performing B2B marketers, 90% of the audience informational need first.
  • The top strategy for B2B marketers is personalization.
  • LinkedIn generates 80% of all B2B leads.
  • In 2019, email marketing was the most used tactic for B2B marketing.

Behind all success is a great email marketing platform. Luckily for you, netProviders is at your service.

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